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  • Writer's pictureBailie Saiz

Small Changes For a Healthier Lifestyle & More Swimsuit Confidence

Updated: Mar 11, 2021

Okay, now this title might be a tad misleading as you actually do have to do the legwork when it comes to getting swimsuit ready, but I’m going to tell you how to do it with minimal effort.

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Summer is just around the corner. However here in Kansas, Mother Nature is very fickle, so we never know if it’s swimsuit season or sweatshirt season until at least June.

Ditch what you know about diets. You don’t need a diet.

You need a lifestyle that allows you the things you love, with healthy limits. This momma wants carbs and momma wants them every day. There are very small steps you can take to becoming closer to the body you want when pool time rolls around.. and guess what? You can implement these steps easily into your lifestyle no matter what season of the year it is just to help you feel better!

With the current state of our world and traveling being frowned upon, I’ll be laying a towel out in my backyard every second the sun shows itself.

Now, sure, being in the security of your own home isn’t anything like being at a resort pool in Cancun or laying on the beach at Hotel del Coronado.. but when I put a swimsuit on, I dread being flooded with self-loathe. That’s a bullsh*t mindset regardless, but there’s so many easy steps to implement into your daily lifestyle that will leave you feeling healthier while also still satisfied in your food and drink choices.

5 Easy, Implementable Tips for a Healthier Summer Lifestyle & More Confidence in your Swimsuit

1. Drink your water. This might be a no-brainer, but do you really drink enough water? Do you really? You should be drinking half of your body weight, in ounces. Meaning, if you weigh 150 pounds, you should be drinking 75 ounces of water every single day of the week. If you have a regular 20-ounce Yeti cup, that is 4 cups refills. Could you drink 4 refills if it was Michelob Ultra? You’ll feel like you’re drinking a lot of water if you’re not a big water drinker. You’ll be peeing A LOT. This is you detoxing all the crap you’ve built up in your liver by drinking like you’re still in college.

You’re 29, girl. Mix in some water.

2. Cut the gluten. Okay- stay with me.

It doesn’t have to happen overnight, or even every single day of the week; ditching starchy carbs for gluten free alternatives is my go-to trick for shedding extra pounds when I need to fit in a tight dress or lean out for a beach trip.

And by gluten free alternatives, I absolutely do not mean pre-packed “gluten-free” labeled literal crap. I am talking about naturally gluten free foods: sweet potatoes, dense veggies like cauliflower and Brussel sprouts, black beans, and even brown rice. I do like to substitute in gluten free oatmeal.

Keto diet is insanely popular and while I encourage it for anyone who wants to do it, I just have to have carbs or I become insane. Ask my husband.

3. Ditch the Dairy. Is gluten a breeze for you, but you’re still feeling sluggish? Get rid of all the dairy.

You’d probably be shocked at the amount of cheese you’re consuming. I know, how dare I. I eat shredded cheese straight out of the bag too, don’t worry. Again, doesn’t have to be a change for life. But, a lifestyle change means making it happen for long enough to see the results you’re seeking then treat yo-self.

Dairy products contain a lot of byproducts that our guts tend to disagree with. Ditching dairy is an instant de-bloater.

4. Intermittent Fasting. Don’t be scared. This doesn’t mean only eat one meal a day, or even for only 4 hours a day. In fact, in my own research, females fasting for just 12 hours every other day has significantly shown to increase metabolism. (reference).

In simple terms, this means that if you eat dinner at 7pm, you simply don’t take in any calories until 7am the next morning. What’s beautiful about this, is that you’re sleeping almost that entire time! So, start practicing intermittent fasting by looking at the time you finish eating dinner, and not eating for 12 hours. You may have water or black coffee during your fast. Once this becomes easy for you, you can play with your intermittent fasting windows. Start practicing fasting for 18 hours and eating for 6, instead of 12 and 12. You can get as extreme as you want, but you truly don’t need to. Keep it simple in order to implement this into your life long-term.

5. Move your body. This may also seem like a given, but you absolutely must get your blood flowing.

You do not have to do 45 minutes of intense cardio, CrossFit, or strength-building. Again, how dare I. If all your body allows is a 30-minute walk, yoga, or quick HIIT circuit, just do that. Don’t force yourself into a routine that you hate, that isn’t sustainable. Find something that is easy for you, that works for you, and make it part of your life.

Read that last sentence again. That is the biggest takeaway from this. Making healthier choices can be easy, just take the pressure off yourself a little.

Sweating is a release of toxins - literally removing bad, old & stagnant energy from your body. If working out seems like too much, go take a super hot bath to work up a good sweat.

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