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  • Writer's pictureBailie Saiz

Tuesday Eats

Updated: Sep 12, 2020

In some ways, I like to view Tuesday as my Monday. I know they say to never skip a workout on a Monday, but Monday is usually my rest day. I like to hit my hardest workouts of the week on Saturday and Sunday, so I reward myself, usually, by sleeping in on Monday.. if you consider 6am sleeping in. On a Tuesday, the real Monday blues are out of the way. There are only 4 days left in the work week. You’re more refreshed than you were yesterday, since you were still tired from staying up much later than any parent of young children should. Anyways, Tuesday! I get several questions about my workout and “diet” regimen, and I thought laying out my day might provide a good template for someone else.


5:30am – 30 minute Interval & Arms on the Peloton

6:00am – Arbonne Protein Shake (Water + 2 scoops protein) – always immediately following my workout,  I drink a protein shake. Sometimes I use water, sometimes I use almond milk. Sometimes a mixture of both.

Coffee + Almond Milk (a must, obviously). If time allows, I will drink my coffee before I workout. I don’t use any pre-workout supplements besides good ole fashion caffeine straight to the bloodsteam.

No less than 20 ounces of water by 7am if I’ve worked out.

730am: 2 pieces Orowheat Oatnut toast + thin layer of unsalted Kerrigold butter – I eat this meal as soon as I can following getting myself and the household ready for the day.

1030am: Meal Prepped: sauteed chicken & green beans in herb seasoning with a small side (1/4-1/3 cup) of ranch style beans.

11am: grabbed another coffee on my commute between offices, large medium roast pour over with a splash of almond milk on top. (Now you know what to get if you’re bringing me a coffee!)

230pm: a big ass banana. I had a really bad sugar craving, I needed something that wasn’t a cosmic brownie out of my children’s snack box, and my last yogurt was waiting for me at work. Banana to the rescue.. Oh good *not*

330pm: Chobani Key Lime Pie Flips yogurt

530pm: 1/2 crunchy peanut butter sandwich – I am on a huge Honey Roast peanut butter kick, SO good. Extra calories, but it’s worth it.

800pm: same meal prep as earlier today. I’m not a huge advocate of eating this late in the day, but my husband gets home from work no earlier than 7pm, so we generally eat later as a family. I like to have dinner at least close to being done by 7-730 when he gets home. I wasn’t hungry when him and the boys ate from my sandwich earlier so I just held off until I was ready. I wasn’t eating what they were having anyways! I also justify to myself that eating this late in the night, especially carbs, works okay in my situation because my work outs are so early and fairly intense.

After my dinner, I had few chocolate protein balls. I just make these out of Arbonne chocolate protein powder, crunchy peanut butter, raw local honey, and a splash of almond milk if the mixture is too dry. You can add oats, but I don’t always because I don’t want the extra carbs.

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