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  • Writer's pictureBailie Saiz

Breakfast Burritos

Updated: Dec 3, 2020

Breakfast Burrito’s: there’s no way to f*ck em up.

Is that too aggressive? Sorry. There’s just really no way to mess up a breakfast burrito.

The only things necessary for a breakfast burrito are a tortilla and scrambled eggs. Anything else is just extra.

I’ll give you a few of our favorite burrito stuffers, you can pick your favorites. One thing though, as my man Bobby Flay says, flavor ever layer of food. Scrambling your eggs? Add salt and pepper. Onions and peppers on the grill? Season them. You get it, your food will have way more flavor. If Bobby says it, I trust it. Swoooooon.

Potatoes: Any kind. Red, russet, gold, hashed, tatered(?). A potato in a breakfast burrito is so satisfying. Season them with taco seasoning or Montreal Steak seasoning for a kick.

Onions & Peppers: You could just add these to your sausage if you don’t have a picky family. I love slicing onions and peppers and sautéing them in butter, garlic powder, salt and pepper. Dear god I could just eat them with a fork by themselves. (Cook over medium heat for about 15 minutes or until translucent).

Beans: Not necessary at all, but one of my kids won’t eat eggs or sausage so this is one protein he will eat. Plus, black beans make anything better…. Also, if you haven’t tried Ranch Style Beans, you are absolutely missing out. They’re with all the other canned beans in the store and they’re life changing when it comes to Mexican-style food.

Eggs: Like I said, they’re the only thing you really NEED for a “breakfast burrito”. Crack a bunch in a bowl, whisk them together with salt and pepper and pour on a HOT skillet for fast cooking. Add your favorite shredded cheese; try Pepper Jack!

Put it together: stuff your (large) flour tortillas with some sausage and/or bacon, your favorites from above, and top with your favorite salsa!

What are your favorite breakfast burrito toppings?? Let me know!

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