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  • Writer's pictureBailie Saiz

Lemon Bar Smoothie Bowl

Updated: Aug 11, 2021

I love Lemon Bars so much I would marry them if I could.

However, lemon bars are not on my diet right now. As I said last week, I’m on a big smoothie bowl kick which works out because you can make them taste like just about any dessert you want. You just have to get creative.

I’m really loving Stoneyfield Greek Yogurt right now because in ¾ of a cup, there is no calories from fat and only 7 grams of carbs. Not to mention it has a ton of protein. As does this entire smoothie bowl. It’s loaded with nuts and seeds so you have all your healthy fats, too.

Like I said, lemon bars are not on my diet right now because I’m trying to watch my carbs/fats/protein/sodium intake as I’ve been having a big inflammation flare up.

Counting macros is such an awesome way to really track and pinpoint where you are overextending yourself diet-wise, but it’s a lot of work and I personally can’t do it strictly or I get really burnt out.

In that same breathe, these smoothie bowls can get quite hefty in the calorie department so I’ve been putting some of my recipes into MyFitnessPal just to kind of know where I’m at. So for my benefit, and now yours, this freaking awesome Lemon Bar Smoothie Bowl recipe has all the macros listed below!

So, that’s really all I have to say for now. Let me know what you think!


“If you love it so much, why don’t you marry it”

Lemon Bar Smoothie Bowl


3/4 C. Greek Yogurt

1 T. ground flaxseed

¼ C. crushed cashews

1 T. raw honey or date syrup

1 Lemon, zested (1/2 juiced, ½ for garnish)


1. Mix the yogurt, ½. T raw honey, lemon zest, and ½ of the lemon juice together.

2. Add flaxseed, hemp seeds, and cashews.

3. Drizzle ½ T. raw honey on top

4. Lemon for garnish if you want, and enjoy!


Macros: 396 calories, 35g carbs 19.8g fat, 24.8g protein

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