Mercury Retrograde….. We’ve all heard of it, but what does it actually mean??

Mercury: The Messenger Planet
Ruler of Communication & Mindset
Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, the smallest planet in our solar system, and also the quickest moving planet making its way around the sun once every 88(ish) days.
In Astrology, Mercury rules communication, technology, travel/transportation, and our mindset, as a whole. Mercury likes logic.
Mercury rules the signs of Gemini and Virgo, which makes both of these signs intellectual and pretty quick on the information uptake. Though these two signs are very different from each other, they both tend to have great communication skills.
When Mercury goes retrograde, it stops its forward movement in the sky, is suspended in the atmosphere, and then starts moving backwards. Mercury has 3 or 4 retrogrades each year that last about 3.5 weeks each.
With Mercury ruling our logical thinking, communication, and technology, you can expect these things to be influenced when the gray cratered planet starts moving backwards. Expect to experience a harder time communication or getting your point across, watch for things you say to go completely over someone’s head.
All the planets go retrograde, so just keep in mind that a retrograde will usually be an.. unpredictable time.
Take time during this Mercury Retrograde to slow down and reflect.
What do you know still needs work in your life?
What issues still need worked through?
Where do you need clarity in your life?
Where do you need a mental reset?
It’s easy to get stuck in the hustle and bustle of life, never taking the time to slow down and reflect. These Mercury Retrograde periods are perfect for this. Astrology gives us permission to feel what’s going on out here, out in this big ole world. There are times to hit the ground running, and there are times to take it easy.
For 2021, we’ve already had one Mercury Retrograde back on January 30th through February 21st. You can expect the following time periods to be a little testy when it comes to sharing thoughts, travel plans, and maybe your wi-fi connection: May 29th through June 22nd, and September 27th through October 23rd.
Take a look back to those weeks during the winter, did anything get a little haywire for you? Use this retrograde period and the following retrograde in 2021 to strategically plan your goals and reflection periods to best support yourself!
Allow yourself take a look at your goals, take note of what is and isn’t working, take some time to process your findings, and then you can hit the ground running again when Mercury goes direct.
To identify what the planet of communication means exactly to you, go to to find your full birth chart. The Zodiac Sign and House that Mercury falls into will shed tons of light about the way YOU communicate and the way your rational mind works.
Want more details? Let’s do a Natal Chart reading!