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Writer: Bailie SaizBailie Saiz


New Moons, Intention Setting & Calling in Your Manifestations

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The Moon is the ruler of: everything.

On the deepest, most emotional level - the moon completely rules our intuition. The moon rules our motherly tendencies, how we nurture and support ourselves as well as others. The Moon brings a sense of security and support, and your Moon sign says everything about how you handle your emotions.


This is the first 24 hours of a new moon cycle and this is when there is no light at all coming from Moon during the dark of night. This short period of no moonlight allows us to get in tune better with our inner emotional landscapes so we can sort out what is what.

During a New Moon, the moon is in a conjunction with the sun meaning their energies can quite literally be experienced as one. New Moons give us a feeling of renewal and being able to start fresh. This can lead to the feeling of having endless possibilities which is why New Moons are all about INTENTION SETTING!

What do you want to call into your life for the next 28 days during this moon cycle? Think of setting intentions on a New Moon like planting a seed. The idea is that the light is just beginning to come back around which will shed more and more light on our manifestations over the next 28 days.

Book a chart reading & find out how this New Moon in impacting you HERE!

Even more powerful is that the New Moon intentions we set in a specific sign, like this months New Moon in Pisces, we will have a 6 month period where these intentions and manifestations that we set will continue to be being called in, until the next FULL MOON in Pisces! New Moons are clearly a time for new beginnings, so it’s a very important time to focus your intention on what you you actually want.

What are you actually calling into your existence?

I love taking a good HOT bath to really work up a really good sweat. Again, sweat is water, which equates to stagnant emotions leaving through our pores!! Totally here for that.

Which brings me to my next topic: meditation! And, why we need it. For me, it’s not necessarily to shut down the mind, but to shut out all the other thoughts so that I can hear what my soul is trying to tell me. You don’t have to do an hour long meditation. You can just do 10 minutes of visualizing the intentions you’ve set. Visualization is extremely powerful.

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So let's apply all this information in a practical way.

As you will find, everything in the cosmos is linked and it’s our job to decipher all the meanings and what exactly it means in our life. Be sure to bookmark the blog post so you can return each month to see what the New Moon energy is bringing us! Remember, the New Moon combines the sun & moons qualities giving us an energy of brighter horizons and greater opportunity.

Each of these energies are going to be based around SETTING INTENTIONS:

New Moon in Pisces: Setting hopeful & dreamy intentions around getting back in touch with our emotions.

New Moon in Aries: Setting passionate intentions around taking assertive action

New Moon in Taurus: Setting practical intentions around beauty & comfort seeking goals

New Moon in Gemini: Setting fun-loving & curious intentions around wanting to really talk things out

New Moon in Cancer: Setting protective & security-focused intentions around your comfort zone

New Moon in Leo: Setting bold, generous, & courageous intentions around taking charge of our lives

New Moon in Virgo: Setting focused intentions around getting grounded & analyzing what isn’t moving our metaphorical life needle

New Moon in Libra: Setting balance-seeking intentions around wanting to bring peace & love

New Moon in Scorpio: Setting deep & maybe serious intentions around transforming or making a much needed change

New Moon in Sagittarius: Setting lighter & more adventurous intentions around what you’re passionate about

New Moon in Capricorn: Setting ambitious, grounded & detailed intentions around getting things done

New Moon in Aquarius: Setting thoughtful, innovative & observant intentions around making shaking things up & breaking free from society


If you want to go even further to really explore a New Moon Ritual and questions to journal on during New Moons, look at the Element that the sign falls in.

Revisit this each month until you’re familiar with the signs & elements & what energy you can tap into during each New Moon

New Moon Details by Element:

Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn): Very grounded & in touch with the physical world around us. Use these NEW MOONS in welcome in feelings of foundation, get focused on planning your details & how you can follow through. These NEW MOONS are centered around productivity, so where do you need to get busy cleaning up?

Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius): All about ideas. Use these NEW MOONS to welcome in fresh & optimistic ideas and inspiration. These NEW MOONS are centered around inspiration and generating ideas. What have you been longing to create, or what has been lighting you up? Set intentions to begin taking action on all your grand inspirations.

Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces): These sensitive beings & times are all about emotion. Use these NEW MOONS to welcome in compassionate self-reflection and honoring your intuition. These NEW MOONS are centered around releasing emotional baggage and literally draw out all the negativity sloshing around inside your body. What negative & unnecessary emotions can you visualize leaving your body during this time?

Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius): All about Passion. Use these NEW MOONS to welcome in energy to contain your enthusiasm and assertiveness to slow down and get very clear on your intentions. These NEW MOONS are all about using fiery energy in a constructive way. Fire signs love taking action, sometimes before thinking, so where can you slow down before taking more thought-out action?



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