The Houses of the Zodiac represent an area of life that is being activated in each individual Natal Chart.
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Using the Houses in Astrology is a great way to start personalizing and better understanding how your Natal Chart represents the areas of the where your personality or emotions come through the strongest.
Each persons Natal Chart starts off with the Ascendent (or your Rising Sign) on the cusp of the first house. Then, each persons Houses change in size and fall in different signs of the Zodiac.
I will walk you through all of the Houses in just one second, but first I want to give you a couple examples so you can better understand how to interpret your own chart.
Tip: You can create your own free Natal Chart by going to
Let's say your Libra Sun is your 10th House of Career & Legacy. This means that you're naturally a peacekeeper and balance seeking especially in the area of your career, accomplishments, structure and life mission. One more example..
If your Natal Chart shows that your Moon is in Scorpio in the 2nd House of Love, Money & Values, you probably experience your intense emotions strongest around your need for financial stability and your strong values. Okay, now let’s look at the exact areas of life that each of the 12 Houses impact the most.
The Twelve Houses of the Zodiac
The 1st House of Self Identify, Personal Brand & Leadership
The 2nd House of Love, Money & Values The 3rd House of Social
Networking The 4th House of Home, Family & Long-Term Security
The 5th House of Fun, Fame & Creativity
The 6th House of Daily Routines, Responsibilities, Habits & He
The 7th House of 1-on-1 Relationships & Intimacy
The 8th House of Transformation, Finances, Business, Sex & Death
The 9th House of Foreign Travel & Higher Education
The 10th House of Career, Legacy & Life Mission
The 11th House of Community & Friendship
The 12th House of Spiritual Pursuits
To even further layer onto the Houses, each one of the 12 Houses correlate to each of the Zodiac Signs and their Planetary Ruler. I know this seems super abstract, but once you grasp the idea of the “areas of life”, this stuff is mind-blowing!
The information found in each of the houses starts to resonate deeply when you’re interested in working on specific areas of your life like finances, 1:1 relationships, or your spiritual practice. So, let’s look at which sign + planet matches each house.
First House: Aries + Mars
Second House: Taurus + Venus
Third House: Gemini + Mercury
Fourth House: Cancer + the Moon
Fifth House: Leo + the Sun
Sixth House: Virgo + Mercury
Seventh House: Libra + Venus
Eighth House: Scorpio + Pluto
Ninth House: Sagittarius + Jupiter
Tenth House: Capricorn + Saturn
Elevnth House: Aquarius + Uranus
Twelfth House: Pisces + Neptune
So, to wrap it all up, you can practically put this information to good use by referring back to the examples at the beginning and then plugging in your own Sun and Moon Signs.