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Empath's & Highly Sensitive People

Writer's picture: Bailie SaizBailie Saiz

You may be a Highly-Sensitive Person (HSP) or an Empath if one of the following sounds familiar to you:

1. “Stop being so emotional, it’s not that big of a deal”

2. You take things personally (you feel other peoples emotions)

3. You become emotionally invested easily

4. People tell you that you overreact or need to let things go often.

An empath is a person who can become overran with emotion, even by something that doesn’t affect them at all. Empaths are able to pick up on others feelings just by being in the same room. You may be an empath (or HSP) if you were otherwise feeling just fine only to walk into a crowded restaurant and you feel bombarded with anxiety or even angry within 10 minutes.

HSP’s and Empaths so easily become in tune with others people’s emotions that they don’t even know it and take them on as their own.

Once we know this about ourselves as highly sensitive beings, we are better able to protect our energy and not allow ourselves to soak up other peoples (bad) vibes.

Everything is a vibration, and I mean everything. Everything is made up of energy on the smallest level possible, this is scientifically proven so don’t just lump me in to the “woo woo” bunch quite yet. So, people who are sensitive to energy need to be more aware of themselves and what is going on around them in order to not pick up on others people’s angst.

Now, maybe it is a good thing if you’re around a friend that always brings the good vibes so it puts you in a state of happiness.

However, if we don’t want to feel emotionally and energetically spent by the end of the day, it’s best (for me anyways) to remain in a neutral state and let my own thoughts and feelings guide my actions, instead of feeling the emotions of others and then making my decisions from a place of unbalanced self-awareness.

If you’ve made it this far in this blog post, then I am willing to bet you’re either borderline or a full-blown Empath and you have never felt validated enough to accept it. You’ve been told so many times that you’re just overly emotional, you began to believe that your emotions were invalid.

Now, you can look at these emotions for what they are - not yours.

Yes, you were deeply feeling your energy being sucked out and distributed around the room only to be filled back up with (again) bad vibes. With all of this information, you now know that you can choose to protect your integrity when you enter any situation that you do or do not want to be in. You can show up as yourself and you can stay in alignment with who you are, without taking on the qualities of others that you don’t even WANT to pick up on.

Accepting that as Highly Sensitive People, we just FEEL more that others, is the first step to protecting yourself from feeling a way that you don’t want to feel. It is really easy to get weighed down by emotions, thoughts, and feelings that are not even purposefully projected onto you, so you have to do the hard work of finding out what is yours that needs to be worked through, and what is not yours that you can shield yourself from.

As Empaths and HSP’s, we attract people who project themselves because even subconsciously people realize that we will soak in their problems to alleviate their pain. We soak up their pain, so they don’t feel it anymore, but we do deeply.

This is why Empaths and HSP’s usually find their ways into some sort of healing modality because they want to lead people to this truth: protect yourself from what is not yours so that you can help lead people to their own personal truths. (And also get to the root of your own, as well)

So, let’s wrap it up and recap. You may be an Empath or a Highly Sensitive Person if you:

- Detest Crowds

- Are a magnetic for negative people (energy vampires, narcissists, people who take advantage of you)

- If watching the news gives you anxiety

- Strangers tell you their life story

- People come to you for random advice

- You need A LOT of alone time

- You grew up rooting for the underdog

- Can tell when people are lying, can sense when others are not being truthful or withholding truth

- If you feel responsible for other’s happiness

- You get upset over others sad news (I cry about funerals of people I’ve never met)

- Can take on physical pain of other people

- Empathetic people are prone to depression

Have you ever been told you’re too sensitive?? You’re probably an Empath 😉

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