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  • Writer's pictureBailie Saiz

Weekly Schedule 1/10 - 1/16: Meal Plan + Workout

Updated: Jan 10, 2022

Weekly Meal Plan + Workout Plan
1/10/2022 – 1/16/2022

Life Updates

Well, I’m running a day behind – but I wouldn’t be me if I wasn’t! I can say with 100% certainty, I am too damn old to be staying up past midnight on a Friday and Saturday. Two nights in a row!?! I cannot. But you know what I can do? Follow a meal plan. You know what I want to do? Follow a meal plan.

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I go back and forth on having my week laid out, meal and workout wise, all the time. Some weeks are planned, some weeks aren’t. I wake up in a new world almost every day so I just can’t quite commit to doing the same process every week. But I do realize when I have everything ready to go and laid out in front me, I’m so much less likely to skip the workout or say f*ck it to tonight’s dinner plans.

Fuck it guys, I’ve got several dinner ideas looking me in the face but we’re getting a pizza!

Sorry for the language in this post mom. It’s just been quite a day, and this is my therapy.

Speaking of today, it’s our sons 8th birthday!!! We treated him to his favorite lunch yesterday at the Japanese Steakhouse (not mad about it), he had a school birthday party today, he gets to go bowling in a couple days for his party, and he is getting lots of cooking gear to help me in the kitchen! (His wishes!)

As I mentioned last week, I am making all of our dinners from the Half Baked Harvest cookbook this month (well, most of them). Any dinner that isn’t a choice by a kid, leftovers, or a fridge clean out – I am drawing all inspiration from Tieghan Gerard of HBH. I will recap some meals each week, as well as a full recap at the end of the month.

I AM going to carry on with this theme this year by picking a new cookbook each month to draw all meal inspo from! I’m very excited about this little endeavor. Be sure to follow along!


Meal Plan

Monday January 10th

Birthday Boy’s Choice: Taco Night

Tuesday January 11th Easy Coq Au Vin with Brown Butter Egg Noodles (HBH Pg. 139) *Was on last week’s meal plan, but didn’t make it to the table so we are adding it in tomorrow

Wednesday January 12th Honey Ginger Chicken Stir Fry (HGH Pg. 108)

Thursday January 13th Basketball Night: Leftovers/Fridge Clean Out (Make a meal with the ingredients about to expire in your fridge)

Ideas based on meals used this week & last week: *Chicken & Roasted Veggies *Chicken Salad *Leftover Steak Breakfast Burrito *Leftover Pulled Pork Tacos (freeze any remaining pulled pork anytime you cook it!)

Friday January 14th Pizza & Cake & Bowling for Bode’s Birthday!

Saturday January 15th Belated Family Christmas Homemade Enchilada’s

Sunday January 16th Sunday Meatballs (HBH Pg. 211)

Workout Plan

Like my meal plan, my workout plan never ends up EXACTLY the way I planned it.

And guess what, the world kept spinning. When it comes to these schedules – especially a workout schedule – give yourself some grace. Life is always happening regardless of what we have on our workout schedule so…. If you’re too tired or too sick to get in a workout that day, don’t beat yourself up. Don’t overdo it the next day by cramming yesterday’s working in with today’s.

Plus, enjoy the process. Pretty sure none of us reading (or writing) this post are competing in the 2022 Olympics so just simmer down. It’s not that serious. We can skip a workout if we want.

Monday January 10th : Run + Core Warmup Day 1 of “Crush Your Core 2” via Peloton Programs 30 Minute Run

Tuesday January 11th : Legs + Core Warmup 20 Min. Lower Body 5 Min. “Crush Your Core 2” Day 2 20 Min. Climb Ride

Wednesday January 12th

Warmup 45 Min. Run Cooldown walk & stretch

PM: 20 Min. Yoga

Thursday January 13th

Warmup 10 Min. “Crush Your Core 2” Day 3 30 Min. Full Body Strength Stretch

Friday January 14th

Warmup 10 Min. “Crush Your Core 2” Day 3 10-20 Min. Arms & Shoulders 20 Min. HIIT Run

Saturday January 15th


Sunday January 16th

Warmup 30 Min. Run Yoga

Last Week Highlight Reel:

A couple of favorite recipes from HBH last week were the Healthy Chipotle Turkey Sweet Potato Skins (not pictured because #hangry), Hula Pork Sliders, and her Salted Caramel Stuffed Chocolate Cookies.

If you’re a Ted Lasso fan, this next part is for you. One of my favorite chefs Eden Grinshpan put a recipe on her IG for “Ted Lasso Biscuits” – aka Citrus Sugar Shortbread Butter Cookies. Perfectly sweet, but not over the top. I can see why Rebecca loves them so much.

Rounding out the desserts with Mocha Madeleine’s from Cookies: The New Classics cookbook. Of course I dipped mine in toasted coconut because I am Bailie and my middle name is Coconut. Oh - and I made THESE brown butter chocolate chip cookies and shared a little reel on IG! Last thing is a little outfit linkage because you guys are asking! I posted this outfit selfie on my Bailie Saiz & Co. IG page and got lots of comments and my jeans and shoes so I am linking those right here! Be sure to follow me there for more unfiltered goodness.

And I suppose that’s it for now. I’ll catch you all very soon!

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