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  • Writer's pictureBailie Saiz

Roasted Chickpeas

Chickpeas, garbanzo beans, whatever you want to call them.... These protein packed legumes are a vital part of all vegans diet, and they should be part of yours too.

No, I am not a vegan nor do I have plans on becoming one. But, I do like to watch my intake of animal protein, especially red meat because its hard for my stomach to digest.

Chickpeas are packed with nutrients and FULL of amino acids which help break down food and repair body tissues. Not to mention that plant protein is packed inside of chickpeas without all of the fat found in animal protein.

Being a legume (a bean), they are still higher in carbs than animal protein sources.. But, give me carbs or give me death, amiright.

I'm not a doctor, but I worked at GNC for a couple years in college so I'm pretty close. KIDDING. I AM KIDDING.

(I really did work at GNC though and I made some great college friends there). I am not a nutritionist. l only give advice that I've followed for years and seen success with through my own experiences.

Anyways, you can eat these roasted chickpeas alone as a snack (because they are seriously addictive), add them to a salad in place of meat and/or croutons, or just about anywhere you want! You will find chickpeas used in an array of Middle Eastern dishes, which are typically vegan.


- To roast, turn your oven up to 450

- Line a baking sheet with foil

- Drain & rinse the chickpeas and then pour onto the baking sheet

- Drizzle 2-3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil onto the beans

- Use whatever seasoning you like, my preferred ones are: garlic powder, cracked pepper, and sea salt

- Bake on 450 for 15 minutes, remove from oven and give the pan a little shake to move the chickpeas around

- Return to oven for 10 more minutes. Remove for one more shake & crank the oven up to broil

- Let broil for 5-10 minutes, but keep an eye on them. You want to get barely blistered and crunchy to the touch

- Enjoy!

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